
Toddlers learn best in safe, loving places where they can explore, in their own way.

the toddlers care program at Montésteam

Early childhood development is critically important. At Montésteam, our experienced teachers and staff help facilitate this period of learning, and that’s what separates us from traditional child care facilities.

With our New Beginnings program, your baby will be paired with a primary teacher who will provide personalized attention and nurture them through every milestone—within a caring and cohesive community.

If you’re ready for more info, we’d love for you to come visit us


The objectives are vocabulary enrichment, code comprehension and language training. The progression of the language requires a good preparation of the ear, the vocabulary and the hand. These prerequisites achieved, language learning is divided into four main phases: From listening to speaking, from speaking to writing, from writing to reading, from reading to grammar.


The goals are manipulation, logical thinking and abstraction. Progression to mathematics takes place in three phases

  1. Concrete step: the mathematical concept is introduced through manipulation. Children explore concepts using manipulations in meaningful activities.
  2. Pictorial stage: the mathematical concept is represented with images that can be substituted for concrete (manipulable) objects.
  3. Theoretical stage: mathematical symbols (numbers etc.) are used to describe the concept at a symbolic level, they demonstrate that they understand the mathematical concept using mathematical language.


This area of learning should help children discover, organize and understand the world around them. This discovery revolves around moments of exploration that all have a specific objective.

  • The moment of free exploration: discovery of an object or phenomenon in the play corner.
  • The first moment of focus: resumption of discoveries during a time of regrouping.
  • The next moment of focus: organizing facilitated workshops for a more systematic exploration guided by the educator.
  • The collective moment of structuring
    Evaluation of learning (individual drawings, oral exchanges with the child, dictation to the educator, etc.).
  • Moment of extension in autonomous workshops and play corners.

Coding & robotic

Our different robots have been specially selected for the learning of children from 3 to 8 years old, who will be able to learn the basic principles of programming in a fun and entertaining way:

  • Navigate and move around using landmarks.
  • Situate objects or people in relation to each other or in relation to other landmarks.
  • Code and decode to predict, represent and carry out movements in familiar spaces, on a grid, on a screen.
  • Acquire the vocabulary to define movements.
  • Decenter
  • Make the link between the space in which we move and its representations.
  • Relative displacement — absolute displacement
  • (To) identify and (to) move in space by using or developing representations
  • Being able to anticipate a result
  • Being able to question and adjust your results
  • Program the movements of a robot


The objectives are to categorize and refine perceptions. To do this, the child needs to experiment, to explore. Sensory activities come in two forms of exploration: physical exploration (touch, sight, hearing) and chemical exploration (smell and taste). And, the child is led to questioning and reflection.

This pedagogical approach goes through three phases:

  1. Observation: giving to see, smell, taste, listen and touch. The child is then in a rich environment adapted to his level.
  2. Manipulation: expression to establish sensory relationships with the object to be discovered. The educator encourages the children and helps them to verbalize their feelings.
  3. Synthesis: we return to the sensations experienced by children. This step allows the classification, the sorting of the sensations that have been perceived. Then follows the implementation of codes, writings to verbalize the notions discovered.


The objectives are to develop the imagination and the entry into culture. This area of learning refers to visual arts (painting, sculpture, drawing, photography, cinema, comics, graphic arts, digital arts), sound arts (songs, instrumental and vocal music) and performing arts (dance, theatre, circus arts, puppets, etc.).

Montésteam offers a first artistic awareness. Visual and tactile activities increase the sensory possibilities of the child. They solicit his imagination and enrich his knowledge and his ability to express himself. They are an opportunity to familiarize children with the most varied forms of artistic expression. Drawing and plastic compositions (making objects) are the preferred means of expression.


Body expressions contribute to the motor, sensory, emotional and intellectual development of the child. They are an opportunity to explore, to express oneself, to act in familiar environments, then, gradually, more unusual.

They allow you to situate yourself in space, to flourish, to express yourself, to discover new disciplines, to acquire new skills, and to become aware of your body. The child discovers the possibilities of his body; he learns to act safely while accepting challenges and to provide efforts while modulating his energy.